Indoor Artists
Howdy, Artists. We’re happy you’re here! The 2025 Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival will run August 14 – 24, 2025.
2025 Festival Artist Dates and Deadlines
Stay tuned for more information about Festival Guide info collection, Festival payout, and more!
Keep an eye on your Artist Update email for more detailed information; they are sent regularly and are your best source for current info.
- Eventotron: An arts management system that Fringe Theatre and Artists use to handle applications and collect information.
- Primary Contact: The first point of contact for Fringe Staff if we have questions about your show or if we’re missing any information.
- Secondary Contact: The second point of contact for Fringe Staff.
- International Artist: An Artist that resides outside of Canada.
The Lottery and BYoV Programs
There are two programs for Indoor Artists at Fringe. You can apply to one program or both.
Indoor Lottery
Fringe Theatre operates venues that support an average of 75 indoor shows during Festival. Shows are selected randomly through a lottery. A lottery allows us to give as fair an opportunity to everyone possible. Shows are then scheduled by Festival Staff. Selecting Artists by lottery is a long-standing practice across the Fringe circuit; there are always more Artists who apply to Fringe than we have space to accommodate.
Each Indoor Lottery show receives approximately $10,000 of in-kind support, including the cost of the venue rental, staging, lighting and sound equipment, Box Office supports, and two venue Technicians.
Artists may apply to the indoor lottery as a Local, National, or International Artist. Artists may specifically apply to the Theatre for Young Audiences category, as well. Every year, applications open in October and the lottery draws take place in November.
Bring Your Own Venue Program (BYoV)
The BYoV Program is an Artist-driven initiative that allows Artists to produce a show at an approved venue that isn’t managed by Fringe Theatre. BYoV Artists retain sole responsibility for all costs related to the production and promotion of their venue and performances. BYoV is a great alternative for Artists whose show is better suited in an alternative space or for those who did not receive an Indoor Lottery spot.
Venues participating in the BYoV Program must be approved by Fringe Theatre. Click here to see the list of pre-approved venues. If you’re looking to use an unconventional space, please reach out to victoria.dejong@fringetheatre.ca at least a month prior to applications closing to discuss your proposal.
Before applying as a BYoV Artist, you must:
- Ensure your venue has been approved by Fringe Theatre (see the approved venue list here), and
- Finalize your venue rental agreement prior to submitting an Artist Application to the Festival.BYoV Artist applications open in February and close in April.

Before the Festival
Your first step starts with the Indoor Artist Lottery application.
Indoor Lottery
Indoor Artist Lottery applications open in early October of each year. To apply for the Indoor Lottery:
- Create a profile on Eventotron, or log into your existing profile.
- Once logged into Eventotron, search for the Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival, or click here, and follow the instructions presented to you
- Ensure you fill out the application to the best of your ability and pay the non-refundable Application Fee. See below for the current fee schedule.
If you’ve successfully completed the steps above, congrats! You’ve entered the Indoor Lottery.
In late November, the Lottery Draw will take place at the Fringe Theatre Arts Barns (and streamed online), so you can see if you were successful in receiving a spot in the Indoor Lottery Program. Successful Artists will be notified by email the following day.
If you were drawn, congratulations! Fringe will require payment of the Indoor Artist Lottery Fee within one week of the draw.
Lottery Waitlist
If a show is unsuccessful in the Lottery draw, they may receive a spot on the Lottery Waitlist. If a spot opens in the Festival due to another show withdrawing, we’ll contact the next show on the Waitlist to fill the spot. If a waitlisted show is offered a Festival spot, they will have 5 business days to accept the spot by paying the Festival fee. If they decline the spot or do not pay the fee within that timeframe, we will reach out to the next show on the Waitlist. We will continue to fill any open Lottery spots until the week prior to the start of Festival.
Waitlist Artists will receive the same communication as Lottery and BYoV Artists to keep them up-to-date and in the loop. Artists can view their current spot on the Waitlist in Eventotron.
BYoV Program
BYoV applications open in early February each year. To apply to the BYoV program:
- Create a profile on Eventotron, or log into your existing profile.
- Once logged into Eventotron, search for the Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival and follow the instructions presented to you.
- Fill out the application to the best of your ability and pay your BYoV Fee, which includes a non-refundable application fee of $45.
Looking for a BYoV? We can help.
2025 Lottery Artist Fees
Fee | Amount | GST | Total |
Application Fee (All Applications) | $45.00 | $2.25 | $47.25 |
Indoor Artist Lottery Fee (Local, National, International) | $800.00 | $40.00 | $840.00 |
Indoor Theatre for Young Audiences Lottery Fee | $675.00 | $33.75 | $708.75 |
Outdoor Artist Lottery Fee | $625.00 | $31.25 | $656.25 |
2025 Bring Your Own Venue (BYoV) Fees
Fee | Amount | GST | Total |
BYoV Festival Fee | $650.00 | $32.50 | $682.50 |
Filling Out the Forms
Once you’ve applied to the Festival and paid your fees, the next step will be providing more information about your show. Depending on whether you’re a Lottery Artist or a BYoV Artist, the deadlines will vary, but all information will be collected in Eventotron.
Some forms you’ll be asked to fill out include:
- Technical Form, which includes the technical information required to run your show.
- Festival Guide Info Form, which includes the description of your show, an image, ticket prices, and more.
- Billet Request Form, to request accommodations at the Festival (see below).
- Festival Guide Ad Purchase, to buy advertising spots in the Festival Guide (see below).
- Festival Payout Form, to provide information to Fringe on how you would like to receive the payout for your ticket sales.
Assignments and Scheduling
Lottery shows are scheduled by Fringe Theatre and BYoV shows are scheduled by the Venue Producer.
Indoor Lottery:
- Your show will be allocated to a venue in mid-May and your schedule will be finalized in early June.
- Venues are allocated based shows’ technical requirements. Lottery Artists will submit their technical requirements in Eventotron in early 2025.
- If a show is sharing company members with another Lottery show, Fringe will ensure schedules do not conflict. Fringe will not schedule around conflicts with a BYoV show.
- You may see a schedule appear when you log into Eventotron starting in May. Please note that schedules are subject to change until Fringe Theatre confirms your schedule via email.
BYoV Program:
- Shows will be scheduled by the Venue Producer.
- Fringe Theatre will approve and finalize BYoV schedules by mid-June. Note that schedules may be subject to change until Fringe Theatre confirms your schedule by email.
- If a BYoV show shares a company member with a Lottery show, it is the BYoV show’s responsibility to accommodate the Lottery schedule.
If you’re an out-of-town Artist and need a place to stay during Festival, we can help! Fringe offers an Artist Billet Program. This Volunteer-led Program matches Artists with host homes to give Artists a comfortable place to stay during their time in Edmonton. We cannot guarantee billet placement, and homes are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Applications will open in mid-April in Eventotron.
We also have some hotel partners we’re happy to put you in touch with.

During the Festival
The time has come. The Festival is here! Let’s get this show on the road.
Artist Services
If you need support during Festival, Artist Services is the place to go! Artist Services is here to support Festival Artists, including printing Pump-Up-The-Volume tickets, setting up Daily Discount requests, helping you navigate your sales report tools, and answering any questions or concerns you may have. Artist Services is at the front desk of the Fringe Theatre Administration Office inside the Fringe Theatre Arts Barns (10330 84 Avenue). The Administration entrance is located at the southwest corner of the building just off 83rd Avenue across from McIntyre Park.
Promoting Your Show
Bring up to 5 laminated and 1 unlaminated poster to the Artist Services desk in the southwest corner of the Fringe Theatre Arts Barns. These posters are put up at the four on-site poster walls, the Grindstone Theatre’s outdoor poster wall, and The Next Act Pub’s indoor poster wall.” All posters should be 11×17.
Daily Discounts are a way to give Patrons a good deal on tickets and promote your show. Daily Discount tickets are advertised on our website and sent to all box offices. Here’s how it works:
To request your show to have the Daily Discount, head on over to Artist Services and request to have your show on the Daily Discount. This can be your entire show run or select performances.
Daily Discount tickets are nearly 50% off. They take your Full Price ticket, discount it by 50%, round up to the nearest dollar, and add a smaller service charge. For example, if your ticket is $15.00:
- The 50% discount makes it $7.50.
- Rounding up to the nearest dollar gives $8.00.
- A $2.00 Service Fee brings the total to $10.
Fringe Champion tickets are a great way for Artists and Patrons to support Fringe and come with some extra perks for Artists, including:
- The addition of the “Sustain Fringe” badge to your show image.
- Highlighted ticket options on our ticketing site at tickets.fringetheatre.ca.
- A message on tickets.fringetheatre.ca in your show’s description, indicating your support of Fringe.
To request your show to be a part of this program, head on over to Artist Services and request to add your show as a Fringe Champion. This can be your entire show run or select performances.
Fringe Champion tickets are $5.00 off your Full Price ticket.
Pump Up the Volume tickets allow you to give out complimentary tickets to Patrons, which is especially useful when the Festival is starting. Word of mouth is one of your best advertising opportunities, and using these tickets to get some initial Patrons is a great way to get that ball rolling.
Stop by Artist Services to request these tickets.
Want to show our Volunteers a little extra love for all of their hard work? Consider offering them the ability to book Volunteer Appreciation tickets! These tickets allow us to give out complimentary tickets to Volunteers.
Stop by Artist Services to request these tickets. Our team will make sure Volunteers know about their availability and will assist them with booking tickets.
Have a popular show? We’ll let the public know! Sold Out stickers are applied to shows that sell out their houses and are placed on the public schedules around the Fringe Grounds.
The Late Night Cabaret is a nightly variety show produced by Fringe Theatre and Rapid Fire Theatre during the Festival. Artists may to apply to participate in these sold-out hit shows a few weeks prior to the Festival. Auditions may be held at the beginning of the Festival if needed.
Still have questions? Get in touch!
Community Perks
Our neighbouring Old Strathcona businesses are enthusiastic supporters of our Festival and many of them offer special discounts and deals just for Festival Artists. Artists will receive a list of available perks in the lead-up to Festival.

After the Festival
Congrats! You made it through!
Getting Paid
Fringe will pay you out within a week following the closing of the Festival through the method you’ve submitted in Eventotron. Please be patient, as we have many Artists to pay.
Please note, mid-Festival payout is also available. Please see Eventotron for more details.
The Fringe Theatre Holdover Series
Our Holdover Series kicks off the Fringe Theatre Season each year. The Series is curated by Fringe Theatre’s Artistic Director using the following criteria:
- Quality: is the show well executed in its performance, delivery, and staging with a clear depth of thought and story?
- Diversity: does the show offer new paradigms and perspectives, or give voice to the minority, the unheard, or overlooked?
- Relevance: does the show reflect issues or concerns in our community, globally or locally?
- Scale-ability: does the show have the framework and potential to scale from a Fringe production to a touring show or season production?
- Capacity: are there still audiences eager to see your show?
- Fit: does the show align within the upcoming Fringe Theatre Season?
- Variety: we strive to curate a balanced Holdover Series that offers a range of genres, styles, and techniques.
We are grateful for the immense creativity and hard work of all Fringe Artists. We recognize the breadth of talent that appears at our Festival. Unfortunately, it is greater than our holdover capacity. On average, the Holdover Series features four shows.
Additional Information for International Artists
As a visiting International Artist, Fringe Theatre will provide you with a Letter of Invitation to present at the border to enter the country. With this letter, you should not require a Canadian Visa. The letter will be issued in the name and address of the Primary contact unless otherwise specified.
International Artists participating in the Festival can expect their Letters of Invitation in May. Please reach out if you have any questions.
An Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) is an entry requirement for visa-exempt foreign nationals travelling to Canada by air. An eTA is electronically linked to a traveler’s passport. It is valid for up to five years or until the passport expires, whichever comes first. If you get a new passport, you need to get a new eTA.
With a valid eTA, you can travel to Canada as often as you want for short stays (normally for up to six months at a time). You do not need an eTA for travel within Canada.
Please see the Government of Canada’s Electronic Travel Authorization info page for information about eligibility and how to apply.
Please note that Fringe Theatre cannot provide financial advice. It is Artists’ responsibility to ensure that the information they provide to Fringe Theatre and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is complete and accurate. Every arts organization who makes a payment to a non-resident Artist or company for services rendered in Canada must withhold and remit an amount in accordance with the requirements under the Canadian Income Tax Act. The rate of withholding is generally 15% or 23% of the gross amount paid, depending on your country of residence.
Simplified R105-S for Incomes Less Than $15,000 (CAD) Per Year
If you expect to make less than CAD$15,000 in the calendar year, you may be eligible to complete a R105s form to reduce the amount of taxes withheld by Fringe Theatre. The R105 simplified waiver process applies to individual self-employed non-resident Artists or athletes who expect to earn no more than CAD$15,000 in the calendar year. The CAD$15,000 includes not only the amount paid to the Artist directly for their performance, but also any expenses paid for or on their behalf or that have been reimbursed to them. It also includes any bonus, sponsorship/promotional income, residuals/participations, and amounts based on ticket sales (overages).
- United States (U.S.) residents: U.S. Artists and athletes expecting to earn no more than CAN$15,000 in the calendar year (including expenses and benefits) may qualify for a Treaty-based waiver which eliminates the regulation 105 withholding of taxes.
- Other countries: An Artist or athlete from any country other than the U.S. expecting to earn no more than CAN$15,000 in the calendar year (including expenses and benefits) may qualify for an income and expense waiver. If you qualify for an income and expense waiver, the Fringe Theatre will only need to withhold 23% tax on your net income, not your gross income.
You cannot use the simplified process if:
- you expect that your total earnings will be more than CAN$15,000;
- you are incorporated (not self-employed);
- you are personal services or travelling corporation through which your services are provided as an Artist or athlete; or
- you are considered an employee for the work you will do in Canada.
Simplified R105s forms will be submitted to Fringe Theatre through Eventotron.
R105 for Incomes Above $15,000 (CAD) Per Year
For Artists expecting to make CAD $15,000 or more in the calendar year, or for incorporated (not self-employed) Artists, the only alternative to the withholding and remitting requirements is for the non-resident to obtain a waiver, or a reduction, in the withholding tax. Where a non-resident can adequately demonstrate that the withholding tax normally required is in excess of their ultimate Canadian tax liability, the CRA may reduce or waive the withholding tax accordingly. The onus is on the non-resident to demonstrate to the CRA that a waiver or a reduction of the amount required to be withheld is justified. This may be based on the application of the treaty of their country of residence or through an estimated income and expense statement. A request for a waiver should be filed 30 days before the services are to begin in Canada, or 30 days before the first payment is due for these services. Even if the payer withholds and remits tax from the non-resident’s income or even if a waiver is granted, the non-resident will likely have to file a Canadian income tax return to get a refund of any excess amounts that were withheld or else to certify that they are exempt from paying tax in Canada. If you decide to apply using the regular R105 process, you can complete a R105 Withholding Tax Waiver and submit it to the CRA to see if you are eligible for an exemption. The CRA will determine whether you are eligible for an exemption. If you are eligible, the CRA will notify Fringe Theatre of the decision. If Fringe Theatre receives a notification from the CRA, we will follow the instructions given by the CRA to reduce the amount of tax we withhold. If Fringe Theatre does not receive a notification from the CRA, we will withhold taxes as required. It is entirely up to the Artist to submit a waiver application to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). You can find more information on the CRA website here. If you are completing the regular R105 form, you must submit the form directly to the CRA, who will contact Fringe Theatre with their decision.
Edmonton is home to the largest, longest running Fringe Festival in North America and one of the top five worldwide. Edmonton is also home to a vibrant year-round theatre arts community. We nurture engaged and discerning Audiences. Your show will be one of more than 200 productions available to Patrons over the 11 days of Festival. We encourage you to chat up Patrons on the Festival Grounds, appear at Fringe promotional events, and strategically use Artist comp and Pump Up the Volume tickets to help generate audience.
Our Festival is frequented by many a seasoned Fringer who chooses shows strategically based not only on reputation and reviews, but edge, creativity, and uniqueness. Each year, we also welcome new theatregoers who appreciate well-crafted, accessible shows.
Edmonton Patrons are loyal. Once you’ve recruited an Audience, you’ll find they are not only eager to follow you on your artistic journey for years to come, but they’ll also persuade their friends, too! With that in mind, make sure you include your social media handles on your promotional materials and engage with followers online.
Important Festival information, including all Artist forms, are found in Eventotron. Artist Updates are sent via email to the primary and secondary contacts listed in a show’s application.
Trouble accessing these emails? You may have unsubscribed by accident! Please e-mail: victoria.dejong@fringetheatre.ca
We wish we knew! It’s impossible to predict whether a spot will open. Most withdrawals take place in the weeks leading up to the deadline to withdraw from the Festival without penalty. However, if a show remains on the waitlist they may be invited to fill a spot as late as the week before the Festival.
Looking for another answer? Contact us!
Artist Updates Sign-Up
Want to stay in the know? Sign up for our Artist Update mailing list!
Contact Us
Questions? We have answers! Your Fringe Theatre team is here to support your Festival experience.
Victoria deJong (she/her), Programming Administrative Coordinator, is the Artists’ primary point of contact with Fringe Theatre. Reach out to her at any time about policies, procedures, feedback, or any issues you need help with at victoria.dejong@fringetheatre.ca
Murray Utas (he/him), Artistic Director, is here to support Festival Artists. Email him at any time at murray.utas@fringetheatre.ca